Category: Exchange & Remmitance

Risks and Benefits of Foreign Exchange

The foreign exchange markets remain some of the most cryptic and complex arenas for many investors. In fact, a substantial number of investors choose simply to avoid the foreign exchange markets entirely in an effort to stave off what they believe will be significant finan-cial loss due to complex, somewhat dubious trading schemes. That being said, there are nu-merous rewards available to those who do take the time to properly understand how this fas-cinating marketplace functions! What that in mind, we’ve created this brief guide of the risks and benefits of foreign exchange trading for those who are ready to learn more about this often misunderstood industry.

Risks and Rewards

Given the relatively small pricing fluctuations taking place in currency pairs at any given time, it is quite difficult to reap large profits without a substantive initial investment. Because of this, many trading platforms allow users to leverage their positions with significant amounts of ‘borrowed’ capital. With big investments come big rewards and, in arena such as foreign ex-change, big losses. Such extensive leverage paves the way for large financial losses for those who are unable to convert this borrowing into a profit.

The fact that the marketplaces remains open for 24 hours a day most days of the week also poses significant risks and rewards for those involved in trading. One on hand, the opportunity to develop intricate and sophisticated trading strategies reinforced by signals, algorithms, etc., can provide ‘non-stop’ opportunities for fiscal gain. However, without properly implementing protective stop-loss procedures, it is also possible that investors may suffer catastrophic losses while they sleep. With this in mind, it is plain to see how the accessibility of this marketplace is also one of its most dangerous characteristics.

Playing It Safe

Fortunately, a number of trading simulators and forex software packages are currently avail-able which allow investors to practice and refine their strategies while using simulate currency. These tools are ideal for new investors seeking to ‘learn the ropes’ of the marketplace and established veterans who are crafting and fine tuning strategies for future use. As a general rule, foreign exchange investors, particularly new arrivals to the arena, should think critically about their aims and objectives before initiating trading in forex software packages in order to ensure that they are adequately prepared for what is to come.

Why Use Forex Trading Software?

Even if you are only casually interested in the world of foreign exchange trading, you’ve probably noticed that this particular branch of the financial marketplace relies heavily upon various software platforms in order to keep traders connected to the forex exchanges. The decentralised nature of the forex marketplace has transformed it into a unique environment in which investors and traders can access forex exchanges on an almost 24 hour basis. With that in mind, it could be argued that forex trading software acts as a powerful administrative and strategic resource for those who are active here.

Perhaps one of the most significant advantages of forex trading software is the ability for in-vestors to both view historical trends and simulate the effects of new investment strategies on current marketplace activity. The scope and complexity of the foreign exchange market-place has often made it seem inaccessible or threatening for those seeking to break in. Using forex software, many of these hurdles can be overcome quickly and allow novice traders to explore what the marketplace has to offer.

Forex trading software is also an excellent defence against unexpected volatility which may occur during the off hours when investors are either sleeping or away from their computers. Using a series of automated protocols, investors can develop their own pre-programmed ‘re-actions’ to any number of market conditions. Were these conditions to be fulfilled during ‘off-hours’, the software could act on its own to engage the strategies set forth by the investor. For some, these automated processes act as a form of much-needed insurance in a market-place which has gained much notoriety for its dynamic shifts.

For some, the benefits of forex trading software lie in the “non-human” nature of its process-es. Like it or not, our emotions continually serve as a triggers, compelling us to make deci-sions or (in this case) engage in trades which may or may not actually serve the best inter-ests of our agendas. Yet another benefit of these automated trading processes is that they can effectively limit human participation to a certain extent and act as an impartial executor of the trader’s intent. While intuition and instinct obviously have their place in financial trading, the automated systems provided by many forex trading platforms allows those who may have difficulty separating their emotions from a trade to keep a healthy distance from their earlier strategic decision making.

Perhaps a final benefit of foreign exchange trading software which should be mentioned is the fact that these tools are offered at a variety of price points, allowing individuals from across a broad array of experiences and professions to get involved if they so choose. For example, students wishing to learn more about the marketplaces can use some of the less expensive trading platforms and explore the market simulators provided within them. Like-wise, trading professionals can invest in much more expensive packages and reap the benefits of extensive automation and research tools to help maximise their continued success. Regardless of where you may be at in your knowledge of or interest in the foreign exchange marketplace, it will definitely be worth your time to download a trial version of any of the leading software packages available today. These tools will help alleviate much of the initial con-fusion that traders feel when entering the foreign exchange arena for the first time. Trading software has helped to bring an increasing number of traders into the foreign exchange mar-ketplace, and for good reason. Using these tools, it is entirely possible for novice traders to gain deep insight into the marketplace and for experienced traders to maintain their professional careers.

Remittance explained

In this era of globalization, international business expansion and a 24/7 digital economy, it should come as no surprise that a vast trove of innovation is occurring in tandem with these widespread shifts. Although remittance has long been an important tool for individuals seeking to transfer money to friends and family in foreign countries, the transformation of the internet into the ubiquitous phenomenon it has become has fundamentally changed the means by which remittance operates. For many individuals, online remittance tools have become an important element of both personal finances and family dynamics. The ability to instantly send money abroad has upended nearly all of the traditional paradigms within which remittance had once operated.

That being said, how exactly would you define remittance? Simply put, the act of remittance can be thought of as a transfer of money from an individual in one country to the bank ac-count of an individual in another. For lack of a better term, remittance can be defined as a foreign deposit. The most common manifestations of remittance can be witnessed in the lives of migrant workers, many of whom devote a portion of their paychecks to family members in their country of origin. To send this money back to their family, these workers use remittance services.

In the pre-internet era, remittance proved to be quite costly for customers. High service rates meant that customers were often forced to spend a substantial portion of their check in charges and fees even. Essentially, customers were paying for the ‘privilege’ of sending money abroad. Today, however, the high density of remittance companies vying for customers online has drastically reduced the overall fees charged to consumers. Now, more than ever before, remittance has become a consumer-friendly tool.

Using online remittance services, customers can specify to whom they will be sending money and from which personal account the money should be transferred from. Thanks to highly secure systems, customers can by and large rest assured that their transaction will be shielded from cybercrime. Although remittances remain a less expedient form of money transfer than a wire, they are nevertheless quite rapid. In many cases, individuals can expect their money to complete its journey within a matter of days. Given the fact that online remittance is significantly less expensive than traditional remittance with respect to service fees, users can expect that their experience with these innovative digital platforms will maximize service without encroaching on budget.

Perhaps the most compelling element of online remittance is the competition which exists within this industry. The fact that so many businesses are vying for customer attention means that service and performance can make the difference between success or failure for these enterprises. Regardless of who wins or loses in this battle, the customer always comes out ahead. Those who are interested in learning more about online remittance are encouraged to browse the internet for various reviews and surveys of the platforms available for use today, Here, customers will find all of the information they need to make an informed decision as to whether or not online remittance is, indeed, the right service for them.

It is also important to mention that the future of remittance will likely appear markedly different than it does today as technology continues to evolve and new ideas further revolutionize this critical industry. Staying on top of the latest remittance trends is a powerful tool for those who are eager to learn more about precisely how the world of finance will be shaped by the digital renaissance.

PayPal seeking to increase mobile usage

The trend towards mobile engagement and ‘mobile-first’ business strategies is continuing virtually unabated for the vast majority of tech companies operating today. Even the largest global influencers, including the likes of PayPal, have made it clear that their next iteration of consumer engagement strategies will heavily rely on mobile-integrated design and deployment.

In reality, this news should come as no surprise. Recent studies have shown that a substantial majority of internet consumers now complete their online shopping using their mobile or portable device, such as a tablet. Although desktops and laptops (now considered ‘traditional browsing tools’) remain a potent force in the world of e-commerce, continued changes instigated by search engine giants such as Google (who has geared search engine page rankings in favour of mobile-optimised websites) have delivered a strong message to web-based companies that those who ignore mobile browsers and consumers will be heavily penalised.

Regarding PayPal, the company has made it clear that their primary objective remains to become an indispensable, highly utilised tool favoured by the general public at large. PayPal recently announced that 2016 will include heavy investments in mobile deployment strategies, new security measures and a host of other improvements, all of which will, it is hoped, help the company overshadow its competitors and become the de facto payment tool for individuals around the world.

The remittance software industry, which includes PayPal and a host of other applications, remains a highly competitive arena, even when considering PayPal’s historic dominance. The fact that so many new companies can make their mark here, either due to ease of use, security or convenience, has proved to be a sharp reminder for PayPal that their size and legacy could easily diminish if the company does not continue to adapt to the changing nature of the internet and the dynamics of consumer interaction.

As it stands, PayPal currently remains the leader in global remittance software by a hefty margin. In Q1 alone, the company processed well over $3.2 billion US in consumer transactions. Additionally, the company added well over four million new active accounts in Q1 alone. In the eyes of PayPal’s corporate leadership, however, this is just the tip of a much larger iceberg. More information regarding PayPal’s proposed mobile updates will likely be made available to the public in the upcoming months.

Currency Exchange for Summer Holidays

It seems that something always comes between you and the relaxing vacation you’ve been fantasising about for the past several months. Whether it’s work, family commitments, or whatever other obligations may arise, luck is rarely on the side of the busy working adult when it comes to planning their next summer holiday. This summer, however, poses its own series of unique challenges, most notably in the form of the Brexit vote, a referendum which, regardless of its outcome, is destined to wreak havoc on one of the most important institu-tions for travellers when it comes to preparing for a pending vacation – currency exchange.

The topic of currency exchange has gained a new degree of relevance as the outcome of the Brexit vote becomes increasingly uncertain. Although markets did tremble slightly as the “Leave” campaign began ramping up their efforts to woo would-be voters, the full effect of their actions is now being felt not only politically but fiscally as well. The pound has plummet-ed in recent weeks over fears that Brexit will result in a massive devaluation of the domestic currency. Although it is obvious that a host of other international parameters can also be con-sidered key influencers dictating the value of the pound, Brexit has loomed largest over these examinations.

So, as a would-be traveler, the question you are most likely facing is this: is it better to ex-change currency now, embracing a lower exchange rate while avoiding the potential of a massively diminished currency following the Brexit vote, or should you hold out in hopes of a strong British pound (due most likely to a successful ‘Remain’ vote). In situations such as these, it is, perhaps, best to listen to the experts. Goldman Sachs weighed in on the issue, stating, “A vote for the UK to exit from the EU is an event that would increase uncertainty, weigh on the UK outlook and raise concerns of foreign investors – potentially interrupting the flow of capital to the UK, sending the pound much lower.”

Of course, so much of this evaluation is based purely on speculation. To fully understand how summer travellers will be affected by Brexit, the simple truth is this – we have to wait for the final results of the voting. There has been an unprecedented level of speculation, postur-ing, and theorising regarding the consequences of the pending vote, but these dialogues are, on the most fundamental level – theories. Given the fact that there is no precedent for a Brex-it-esque scenario, it is virtually impossible to state with confidence what the concrete logistics of such an outcome.

That being said, it seems reasonable to assume that, if Brexit did occur, summer travellers may have far more on their minds than simply where they will be travelling during their holi-day or what their preferred currency exchange rate may be. Experts are theorising that a successful Brexit push could initiate a currency free fall, the likes of which have not been seen for decades. With that in mind, both summer travellers and workers alike may consider exchanging a reserve of currency simply so as to ensure that they are prepared for whatever events may unfold the evening of June 23rd. And, for those who are ready to embark upon their holiday in the days leading up to Brexit, consider it a worthwhile piece of advice to pay close attention to the daily shifts of the foreign exchange markets, as rates are likely to shift dramatically on a moment-by-moment basis during this tense period.

Great British Pound currency rate forecast for 2016

For those who follow currency news, it is, perhaps, restating the obvious that the British pound has been through its fair share of highs and lows in recent months as the Brexit vote draws ever closer. It doesn’t taken advanced currency exchange software to realise that the currency markets are in a period of turmoil. As polls continue to demonstrate a constantly shifting balance of influence between the ‘remain’ and ‘leave’ camps, the pound has sent for-eign exchange traders down a rabbit hole of frantic phone calls and urgent conversations with clients.

As we saw in the opening days of June, the pound was unable to achieve the bullish start that analysts had hoped for. As the ‘leave’ camp gained greater traction amongst voters, ex-change traders were hesitant to buy into the currency due to the potential for massive de-clines in the short term. That being said, a variety of metrics have been issued recently, such as the May Construction and Services PMIs, which may help to offset the negative effects of Brexit-inspired political and economic insecurity.

Perhaps yet another reason that the pound has been unable to shake off the shadow of Brex-it is due to the fact that typical campaigning methods used by politicians and political estab-lishments – such as the Bank of England – have failed to impress voters who have long ago grown cynical regarding their own representatives. Although outright fear-mongering on be-half of both parties has helped to serve as a ‘brute force’ influencer on some undecided vot-ers, the fact remains that deeply held convictions regarding immigration, economic produc-tivity, and a general sense of British identity will determine how this vote ends, not the base-less pandering of lobbyists and other promoters.

Of course, the pound will also be affected by various news being reported out of the US, in-cluding the monthly non-farm payroll data. Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen has indicated that any move to raise interest rates in the short-term will likely be influenced and moulded by the outcome of Brexit, which is reasonable given the extent to which either outcome will in-fluence the economy. Those hoping to stay abreast of current rates can do so using any one of several industry standard currency exchange software packages.

The differences between an online forex software to broker forex

Trying to introduce a newly minted investor to the forex marketplace can be quite challenging. Unlike standardised stock exchanges, the world of foreign exchange is a dynamic, round-the-’clock affair, filled with a sophisticated array of strategies and tactics which contain their fair share of risk and reward. In today’s investing environment, there are two predominant forms of forex trading, those being online forex software and broker-managed forex accounts. Depending upon your previous experience with forex and your level of interest in the day-to-day workings of your forex holdings, each of these two forms of trading may be a perfect match for your needs. With that in mind, we’ve taken the time to outline the key differences between these two platforms in order to help you determine what your next steps should be.

On a very basic level, the primary difference between a broker-managed forex account and online forex software is the level of oversight by investment professionals. As could be expected, broker-managed accounts are managed exclusively by a seasoned foreign exchange broker. In exchange for expert-level advice, casual investors will be required to pay their broker through either a commission basis or recurring fee. Although this will likely reduce profits over time, it’s important to note that the overall gains secured through this form of collaboration may exceed those obtained by a casual investor with little to no knowledge of the forex marketplaces who chooses to manage their own account.

For those who feel very comfortable with the fine details of the forex marketplace, forex online software will likely prove to be an excellent alternative to a broker managed account. Using forex online software, investors can access virtually all of the data that brokers rely upon to make their strategic decisions for clients. Although investors who choose to rely on software instead of a broker will likely be unable to solicit advice from investment professionals, they will also be the exclusive recipient of their profits. This is a significant advantage which will most appeal to those with extensive experience in this marketplace.

Regardless of where you may find yourself in the process of determining whether to hire a broker or become your own day trader, it’s worth taking the time to download all available trials of forex online software so that you can better assess the current state of the industry. We wish you the best of luck in your investment endeavours!

Exchange Rate Forecast for GBP Post-Brexit

It should come as no surprise that recent developments in British politics have proven to be a catalyst for significant fluctuations across a wide array of financial markets. The GBP has proven itself to be particularly sensitive to a post-Brexit reality, with a dramatic free fall in currency value occurring as the vote began to swing towards a Brexit victory. Now that the vote has passed and lawmakers have vowed to heed the will of the people on this issue, the next step for the British government is to trigger the much-discussed Article 50, which will kick off a two-year process of formal negotiation before the UK is no longer an EU member. Precise-ly when Article 50 will be executed however, is unknown, and this is uncertainty is keeping the GBP in rather tepid water as investors remain hesitant as to whether or not a re-investing is in their best interest. Although currency exchange software is not, in itself, a source of knowledge or advice, the charts for recent GBP activity found in these programs will provide no short supply of drama and suspense.

This is not to say, however, that the GBP has not regained some its value since hitting a mul-ti-decade low the day after the vote was completed. In fact, it could be viewed as some form of optimism that the GBP was able to weather as well as it did not only the Brexit results, but also the sudden resignation of David Cameron, a credit downgrade, and bitter infighting amongst members of Parliament. With this in mind, it seems reasonable to assume that, alt-hough progress may be slow, the GBP will continue to regain value as the world comes to grips with the new face of the EU and a starkly independent Britain.

In the more immediate future, many fx investors are waiting to see if the Bank of England opts to pursue a rate cut as a means to encourage business growth and investment in this critical time. Monetary policy easing is definitely one method by which supports can be erected to prop up the GBP and ensure that future declines will be limited in scope. At the moment, the GBP is hovering comfortably at 1.32 GBP / USD. Although many professionals are somewhat bearish regarding future price movements, it is widely acknowledged that the Bank of England pending announcements will significantly influence both short and long-term pricing. Those with currency exchange software are advised to watch the GBP closely in the upcoming weeks.

The Referendum and the GBP

Now that Brexit has finally arrived, it’s possible to dispense with the endless series of predictions and hypotheses related to currency issues and discuss the concrete reality of a post-referendum British pound. For many of us, it doesn’t take sophisticated forex software to predict that the GBP would suffer in the immediate aftermath of this landmark decision. In keeping with the assessments of virtually all analysts, the Pound initially experienced a tre-mendous pricing shock as it became increasingly clear that the referendum was swinging away from the “remain” camp towards a definitive “Leave” vote. As the tallying of votes neared to a close, investors fled from the Pound, causing its value to plummet to levels which have not been seen for the past several decades.

Fortunately for both investors and the economy at large, however, the Pound has begun its path to recovery. Coming off of an immediate post-Brexit low which involved nearly 11% be-ing shaved off the Pound, the British currency has experienced a largely optimistic rebound, sitting currently at nearly 1.33 GBP / USD. It will be quite interesting to observe how the GBP will react to international and domestic policy maneuvers in the upcoming weeks. A number of significant decisions are quite likely looming in the short term, including whether or not the Bank of England will issue a rate cut in an effort to reinforce economic stability in this volatile period.

Although much of British politics have been unpredictable and turbulent, experts are in agreement that the GBP is behaving within clearly defined and expected patterns, at least for the moment. Given the fact that the UK has expressed that they will not initiate divorce proceedings from the EU until the beginning of the new year, it stands to reason that this de-lay will likely mitigate some of the risks associated with this currency. That being said, it is, perhaps, implausible to believe that the GBP will recover significantly or even approach pre-Brexit value until some sort of decisive announcement is made relating to not only the time-line for the pending Brexit, but also the finer details which will properly illuminate how this his-toric moment will influence the political, economic and cultural spheres of the country at large.

Although many experts continue to express their skepticism regarding the short-term outlook for the GBP, it may be worth keeping a close eye on to see if any forthcoming politi-cal actions catalyse investor enthusiasm. For those with industry-standard forex software, a concise, up-to-the minute evaluation would be immensely interesting to observe

Online remittance saves 3%

Money remittance is, by any standard of measure, one of the most important elements of today’s globalised economy. The ability for individuals to quickly and easily transfer money to all corners of the globe has allowed countless men and women to pursue lucrative professional opportunities far from their home country while still allowing them to support any family members who may have been unable to accompany them on their journey.

In the earliest days of remittance, the convenience of quickly sending money abroad came at a price. Customers were often forced to pay exorbitant service fees in order to utilise remittance, which often dramatically cut into the amount of funds they were able to send abroad. Because of this, remittance was often undertaken sparingly so as to maximise the sum total being sent abroad. In today’s climate of innovation and disruptive technology, however, new development in remittance technology are helping customers save valuable funds by dramatically lowering the service fees attached to the transaction. In many cases, those utilising online remittance software are able to save up to 3% over traditional remittance services.

The advantages of online remittance and online money transfer are not only confined to cost savings. Given the fact that a large number of online remittance providers allow customers to transfer funds from their personal computers, these systems virtually eliminate the lengthy process of travelling to a bank, requesting funds, and then delivering these funds to a remittance provider. For many busy individuals, the old expression “time is money” has yet to fall out of fashion. Online remittance helps ensure that these transfers can occur without compromising the daily “to-do” list.

One of the most common questions regarding online money transfer and online remittance involves security. Is money safe when it is being transmitted online to a foreign bank account? Although security systems vary considerably between service providers, the largest remittance services are equipped with state-of-the-art protections in order to ensure that funds are not wrongfully obtained by cyber criminals.

As you can see, online remittance is a popular and import service for workers around the world! For those who have yet to explore the world of online remittance and the various services currently available, there truly has never been a better time! We hope you have a convenient and positive experience with whichever remittance service you choose!

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